Continous learning

Evolutiv Consultants Network is the right partner to deliver impactful learning experiences

Our programs enable companies to help their teams become agile and develop their skills to increase the potential for innovation at an organizational level. Each team that goes through our programs will better understand how they can exploit the knowledge they have access to, ultimately succeeding in consolidating the competitive advantage of the organization they belong to. Our interventions are based on both customized programs and a generous offer of standard, open or customized training sessions.
9 Courses

Leadership and Management

We cover the entire range of managerial skills needed by organizations, both through management and leadership training. We offer a concrete, coherent and integrated approach with solutions specific to each participating team.
10 Courses

Soft skills

Through the soft skills courses we deliver, we help participants develop their skills in managing difficult situations, stimulating creativity and encouraging communication.

Individual and team coaching

We use proven processes, techniques and tools, step by step, to help our clients break old patterns and habits, embark on the journey of self-discovery and create effective strategies on their way to becoming the best of them.

Leading the sales team

Adresat directorilor și reprezentanților de vânzări, programul propune într-un mod foarte interactiv diverse instrumente pentru dezvoltarea de abilități concrete în managementul performant al echipei de vânzări. Cu scopul de a avea un impact permanent asupra participanților, abordăm teme precum managementul teritoriului, motivarea și dezvoltarea echipei, mentoring și coaching, gestionarea planului de vânzări sau credit management. Programul include simulările de business SimSales® sau SimRetail®, SimTeam® si Income/Outcome®

Teambuilding and events

We develop events and structure teambuilding activities based on the needs, objectives, culture and organizational patterns of each client. The latter are the basis from which we start when designing the teambuilding and team mirroring program.

How we do it

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Many Romanian companies, whether with Romanian or multinational capital, have chosen to work with us, investing confidence in our professionalism, dedication and objectivity to provide relevant and relevant solutions that are directly applicable to them and their employees.
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Our interventions are based on both customized programs and a generous offer of standard, open system or customized training sessions for client organizations.