Our consultants can create event cards that reflect the particularities of the client’s industry, the specifics of the company and its strategic targets. This will help participants to:
– know, as a managers, the key success factors for building and developing virtual teams;
– experiment and reflect on the differences between local and virtual teams and what are the consequences of these differences for leaders;
– deepen (or learn) leadership skills for local teams, extrapolating these skills to virtual teams;
– learn and apply new leadership approaches specially created for virtual teams;
– deepen their communication and relationship building skills to create and maintain a positive atmosphere and performance in a remote team;
– acquire leadership & communication tools to help meet the different needs of team members;
– experience events similar to real life in environments with virtual teams;
– prepare individual action plans for working with a remote team in real life (or for a future remote team): everything they learn will be immediately applied in the area of responsibility of the participants and their current teams.