The value, quality and impact of Evolutiv business simulations are validated and guaranteed internationally by our partners' global network.
Andromeda Simulations, USA
Simdustry, Germania
Institute of Training, UK
Custom programs on request
See what our clients are saying
Elena Cîrjan
Manager Resurse UmaneWe appreciate the use in our development programs of business simulations facilitated by Evolutiv trainers. Our colleagues are very active and competitive people. Learning through business simulations stimulates their creativity and puts them in the right position to reflect on what they need to improve in their work to enhance business results.
Andreea Ion
Director Resurse UmaneFrom the perspective of the collaboration we have with Evolutiv Consultants Network, we can say that they are defined by at least three characteristics: the genuine desire to come to the clients’ support, to get involved and satisfy their requirements to the maximum. To these are added the professionalism and dedication with which the trainers work, the ability with which they connect and communicate the most diverse aspects of soft skills and management skills.
Bogdan Liviu,
Șef Departament ÎnvățământI personally recommend Evolutiv: first of all, for the professionalism in finding adapted development solutions, and especially for the attitude towards people of the trainers. Our relationship with the Evolutiv team is a special one because over the years we have seen changes in the organization in terms of communication, teamwork and, last but not least, openness to learning.
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Author: Gogu Ștefănescu Instead of playing childish games, business simulations suggest we
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